A letter from my daughter.
Daddy, this is for you and I want you to know this.
Now that I am big and got my family I want you to know that I love you and everything about you I know we don’t have many years left together and I need you to know that I would never trade you. I mean I would never want any other father because you are more then a dad to me you are my hero and my life and friend. I want my kids to know how lucky I am to have some one like you in my life I want you to help your self and take care of your self, you are all I have got and I will be there for you. I just don’t want to lose you now or ever but I know when it is time he will take us, you know but I still need my daddy I mean I know when I was little I was always on your lap because you made me safe and God I don’t want to let that go when you dropped me and jess off every weekend I would watch you drive away and cry because when you were not around I was not safe I need you to be with me and let me be on your lap .. but I know that you never wanted me or Jessie to cry. I know that and I know that you do love me daddy I just want you to know that you are everything to me and I want to keep that for ever no matter what, I still am that little girl that needs to feel safe I don’t get to see you a lot now and as everyday goes by I don’t know when will be the last time I can see you I love you dad and I want you to know that.
From Jamie Lynn to Kelly, January 14,2008.